Thursday, April 4, 2013

ANGC President's Cup Final

The third and final round of the 2013 ANGC President’s Cup concluded on Thursday April 4th under adverse weather conditions.  The top three players after the first two rounds maintained their leads over the rest of the field and their positions with respect to each other.  Quite fittingly, this year’s ANGC President’s Cup winner was none other than the newly elected ANGC President, Mr. Mike Donald.  In second place was Mr. Geoff Watson, a  newcomer to Abqaiq and in third place was Mr. Matt Hope.

Following the round, participants and ANGC members enjoyed a steak luncheon sponsored by the club.

Pictures will be posted when available and results can be viewed here.

Congratulations to Mr. Donald and thanks to all competitors participating in this year’s President’s Cup for making this another special tournament in 2013.

ANGC President's Cup (in progress)

Rounds 1 and 2 of the 2013 President's Cup have been completed.  Results can be seen here.  The third and final round is slated to begin at 6:30am this Thursday (04 April 2013). 

After the final round, ANGC will be hosting a luncheon in the snack bar...which is free to members, both golfing and social.  Don't miss the fun.